
6 Ways to Increase Stamina During Pregnancy

6 Ways to Increase Stamina During Pregnancy
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Written by scholarvisaship

Hormonal and physical changes during pregnancy can make pregnant women feel tired more easily. So , so that the feeling of fatigue that arises does not last for a long time and interfere with pregnancy, pregnant women need to increase their stamina.

So that you don’t get tired easily , there are many things that pregnant women can do to make their bodies have more stamina. These steps can also ensure that the pregnant woman’s health is maintained and the fetus’s growth and development is optimal.

How to Increase Stamina for Pregnant Women

The following are steps that pregnant women can try to increase stamina during pregnancy:

1. Increase your rest time

At the beginning of pregnancy, pregnant women need more rest time than usual. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to sleep regularly during the day and night to get enough rest. For pregnant women who work, take a moment to take a nap for at least 15 minutes during break time.

2. Adequate nutritional intake

Adequate nutritional intake in the early trimester of pregnancy is important so that pregnant women’s bodies have more stamina and don’t get tired. Regularly consume foods that contain sufficient protein, iron and calories, OK?

3. Get used to activities or light exercise

Even if pregnant women feel like they don’t have the energy to exercise, try to do light physical activity, for example walking, yoga or swimming for a few minutes.

Regular exercise will make pregnant women’s bodies feel fitter and more energetic. However, remember, don’t push yourself too hard. If you feel tired, rest immediately.

4. Do meditation

Apart from light exercise, meditation can also help increase stamina during pregnancy. Not only that, this activity can relieve stress that occurs due to hormonal changes during pregnancy.

5. Listen to music

Believe it or not, listening to music can increase stamina during pregnancy, you know . The thing is, by listening to music that you like, pregnant women can feel more relaxed and enthusiastic about carrying out their pregnancy.

6. Drink more water

Lack of fluids or dehydration during pregnancy can be one of the causes of decreased stamina in pregnant women. Therefore, to prevent this, pregnant women are advised to increase their consumption of water, at least 10 glasses per day.

However, if this causes pregnant women to urinate frequently at night and disrupts sleep, try drinking more during the day and less at night.

If pregnant women still don’t feel an increase in stamina after doing the steps above, ask your doctor for advice on how to increase your stamina appropriately. It is possible that the doctor will also provide stamina-boosting supplements that can help pregnant women not feel tired easily.

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