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8 Types of Delicious Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Mothers

8 Types of Delicious Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Mothers
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Written by scholarvisaship

There are several choices of healthy snacks that a pregnant woman can consume. In addition to being good for the baby’s health, this snack can also help the fetus grow.

Snacks high in fat and sugar, such as ice cream, cakes, biscuits, cream, and fizzy drinks are hard to resist, right? However, the consumption of these snacks should be limited because they do not contain the nutrients needed during pregnancy. So, as a pregnant woman, you are recommended to choose a healthy snack.

Healthy Snack Options for Pregnant Mothers

Delicious healthy snacks for pregnant women should contain a variety of nutrients that the body needs during pregnancy, such as protein, calcium, iron, folic acid, and various types of vitamins.

The following are the types of healthy snacks that a pregnant woman can consume:

1. Yogurt

The calcium content in yogurt is good for the health of the bones and teeth of the baby and the fetus. In addition, yogurt also contains prebiotics, which are good bacteria that function to maintain the health of the digestive tract.

A number of studies say that prebiotics will help suppress the growth of bad bacteria that cause infections. This is often associated with a decreased risk of diarrhea, eczema, and allergies in babies.

a pregnant woman can consume plain yogurt with a mixture of nuts, raisins, and fresh fruit, as a healthy snack. a pregnant woman can also process it into a mix of smoothies .

2. Chocolate

Eating chocolate during pregnancy can maintain the health of blood vessels, thereby helping to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and preeclampsia.

eski brings benefits, a pregnant woman is not recommended to eat too much of this snack because it contains caffeine. In addition, some chocolate products also contain added sugar and milk. If eaten excessively, it can increase the risk of a pregnant woman suffering from obesity.

3. Avocado

Avocados contain folic acid which plays a role in nerve development and the formation of fetal red blood cells.

Making avocado as a healthy snack is a good choice. a pregnant woman can consume avocado directly or serve it as a substitute for butter on toast or a sandwich.

4. Orange juice

Fresh orange juice can be a healthy snack during a pregnant woman’s break. The content of folic acid and potassium in it plays a role in the development of the fetal nervous system as well as in maintaining muscle function and a pregnant woman’s metabolism.

The vitamin C in this drink is also beneficial for strengthening the immune system of a pregnant woman’s body, increasing the absorption of iron, as well as maintaining the health of the bones and teeth of a pregnant woman and the fetus.

In addition to orange juice, a pregnant woman can also choose other types of fruit to process into juice, for example mango , strawberry, or tomato. Make sure a pregnant woman doesn’t add too much sugar and milk, yes.

5. Yam

Sweet potatoes contain vitamin B, vitamin C, beta carotene, iron, potassium, and copper. These nutrients are needed to support fetal growth, including the development of eyes, bones, and skin. Yam can be processed by steaming, roasting, or frying.

6. Oatmeal

The high complex carbohydrates and fiber in oatmeal make it one of the delicious healthy snacks for pregnant women. This snack is also rich in magnesium which can maintain muscle and nerve health and improve immune function.

In addition, the zinc contained in oatmeal is beneficial for the formation of DNA in the fetus.

7. Edamame beans

Edamame beans are rich in folic acid and contain various minerals, such as iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium. To enjoy edamame beans as a snack, a pregnant woman can boil them and add a little salt as a flavor enhancer.

In addition to edamame, other nuts, such as peanuts and almonds, are also good for pregnant women to consume.

8. Popcorn

Popcorn can be used as a healthy and delicious snack because it contains fiber. Sufficient fiber will prevent a pregnant woman from constipation. In making popcorn, avoid adding excess butter or salt, yes.

During pregnancy, maybe a pregnant woman will feel hungry more often. However, it does not mean that a pregnant woman should eat for two people or consume excessive snacks, yes. Always follow a healthy diet and don’t forget to exercise regularly.

If a pregnant woman still has questions about snacks that are safe to consume during pregnancy or other pregnancy health issues, consult a doctor.


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