
The Secret to Looking Stunning Even While Pregnant

The Secret to Looking Stunning Even While Pregnant
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Written by scholarvisaship

Physical changes that occur during pregnancy, such as increasing body weight and skin problems, may make pregnant women lose self-confidence. So, to look beautiful and charming while pregnant, there are several tips that pregnant women can do.

Physical changes during pregnancy are normal. Usually, women will experience an increase in weight of more than 10 kilograms during pregnancy. Most weight gain is influenced by fetal growth and fat stores for later breast milk production.

In addition, increasing pregnancy hormones will produce more sebum, so pregnant women’s skin will become prone to acne.

The effect of pregnancy on physical appearance is not always bad. Often, pregnant women look prettier and their skin looks brighter when they are pregnant. This is because of the smooth flow and circulation of blood in the body. This condition is called pregnancy glow.

Charming Healthy and Beautiful Tips During Pregnancy

The following are several things that pregnant women can do to look beautiful and charming while pregnant:

1. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise will improve blood flow in the body so that pregnant women’s faces can look fresh and beautiful. Exercise can also help control body weight so that the scale numbers do not rise drastically.

Pregnant women are advised to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Sports options that can be done are leisurely walking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, and Kegel exercises.

2. Eat healthy food and drink enough water

You can also beautify yourself from within by consuming balanced nutritious food during pregnancy. Make sure that every food pregnant women consume contains minerals and vitamins, especially folic acid.

Apart from that, pregnant women also need to keep their bodies hydrated by drinking lots of water. That way, pregnant women’s skin will maintain its moisture and not become dull.

3. Get enough sleep

Sleep is closely related to beauty. If pregnant women get enough sleep, their skin will look fresher, and avoid eye bags, panda eyes, and wrinkles. Getting enough sleep will also make pregnant women more energetic.

4. Manage stress

Stress during pregnancy cannot be denied. However, if not managed properly, this condition can cause pregnant women to take it out on excessive eating, triggering abnormal weight gain. Stress is also known to trigger skin problems.

To make your body and mind more relaxed, pregnant women can pamper themselves by having a spa or massage. Make sure pregnant women choose a spa that is safe for pregnant women and get a massage from a therapist who is trained in massaging pregnant women.

5. Use skincare and make-up

Use a moisturizer, sunscreen, or other skin care to make your face healthy and look rosy. Pregnant women can also apply makeup and be creative with various colors of lipstick or eye shadow.

However, make sure your skincare and make – up do not contain substances that are harmful to the fetus, such as mercury, retinoids, and salicylic acid.

6. Look stylish

Pregnant women will look more beautiful if they are confident in the outfits they wear. Pregnant women are free to wear whatever type of maternity clothes and maternity pants they like, as long as they are comfortable and confident in wearing them.

Regardless of a pregnant woman’s physical appearance, beauty, and self-confidence will radiate automatically when the pregnant woman has positive thoughts. So, always keep positive sentences in your mind, okay?

Don’t think that during pregnancy, pregnant women cannot look attractive. Good luck trying the various tips above to still look beautiful while pregnant. If pregnant women still have questions, don’t hesitate to consult a doctor.

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